Recommended Books

These books bring empirical science and clear how-to in the field of mental fitness.


The Attention Revolution

Dr. Alan Wallace, Founder of the Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies, explains in-depth how to train your attention with meditation.

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Altered Traits

Leading neuroscientist Dr. Richard Davidson and bestselling psychologist Dr. Daniel Goleman lay out the science of meditation’s impact on the brain.

Shift into Freedom

Psychotherapist and meditation teacher Loch Kelly teaches readers to shift into natural (nondual) flow, combining western science with ancient techniques.

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The Craving Mind

Brown neuroscientist Dr. Judson Brewer describes how meditation can alter the brain and combat addiction.

Peak Mind

Neuroscientist Dr. Amishi Jha explains the mechanics of attention and how to train it with mindfulness.

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Full Catastrophe Living

Molecular biologist and Founder of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn teaches mindfulness meditation and its benefits for mind and body.


10% Happier

ABC News anchor Dan Harris humorously describes his initially skeptical discovery and practice in meditation.


Mindfulness in Plain English

Meditation master “Bhante G” beautifully and simply explains the foundational principles of mindfulness meditation.

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Why We Sleep

Neuroscientist Dr. Matthew Walker gives a remarkable overview of why sleep is so essential, as well as evidence-based advice for optimizing it.



Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Dr. Daniel Siegel delves into the psychology of meditation.

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Awareness Games

Explore the laboratory of your own mind with fun natural flow meditations compiled by Brian Tom O’Connor.

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The writings of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius on his Stoic philosophy for creating an optimal mindset.

The Hacking of the American Mind

American pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Robert Lustig describes how companies are manipulating our minds.


Science journalist James Nestor explains the cutting-edge science of breathing as a way to improve mental and physical wellbeing.