Sample Daily Workouts
Here are routines that integrate the key FitMind training components. Feel free to experiment and create your own.
Basic—For the Ultra-Busy
Morning Kickstart (15 min)
Tranquil Breathing
Breath Focus A
Afternoon Calm (10 min)
Alternate Nostril Breathing
Open Mind
Evening Wind Down (20 min)
Stoic Meditation C
Deep Sleep
Intermediate—For the Ambitious
Morning Sesh (30 min)
Pointing the Mind
Breath Focus A
Good Vibes A
Afternoon Flow (25 min)
Mind-Body Sync
Headless Way
Evening Routine (40 min)
30-Min Meditation
Lucid Dream Induction A
Expert-Level—For the Overachievers
Morning Blastoff (50 min)
Best Self
The Complete Breath
Long Breath Focus A
Shift into Awareness
Afternoon Pump (35 min)
Yoga Nidra B
Skull Shining Breath
Evening Deep Dive (60 min)
Long Breath Focus A
Great Seal
Self-Inquiry D
Dream Yoga Prep
Or create your own killer routine and share it with others by tapping Daily Workouts > Edit > Share Workout.