Types of Meditation
There are many types of meditation, which is an umbrella term like “exercise.” The below list describes several popular practices and how they work.
Vipassana - Insight Meditation
Vipassana (vipasyana in Sanskrit) translates roughly as seeing through or insight. It can refer to either a type of practice or the quality of mind resulting from it.
The practice originates in the Pali Canon, an ancient collection of teachings in the Buddhist Theravadan tradition. There are several types of vipassana, most commonly those taught by S.N. Goenka and Mahasi Sayadaw. The Goenka method uses a body scan, applying focused attention to physical sensations in a sweeping movement. Mahasi used a tecnique called “noting,” wherein you swiftly discern everything that pops into your mind.
In all vipassana training, you’re systematically investigating the mechanics of your mind to gain key insights that can relieve mental suffering. Specifically, you recognize deeply that mental phenomena are impermanent (anicca), deconstruct the fabricated sense of self (anatta), and abandon craving-fueled dissatisfaction (dukkha).
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