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Ash Sangoram, MD, PhD - Neuroscience, Meditation & Elite Performance

Dr. Ash Sangoram speaks about the neuroscience of elite performance on FitMind Podcast episode 32.

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Episode 32

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Episode Overview

Dr. Ash Sangoram is a neuroscientist, neonatologist, former assistant Stanford Golf coach, and the Founder of GoaLoGolf, an elite performance training company.

Ash believes that meditation and elite athletic performance are inextricably linked, with neuroscience providing the glue that grounds how to go about practicing for elite performance.

This is a wide-ranging conversation on how the mind works and how to optimize it.

Hope you enjoy!

P.S. — If you’re serious about starting or deepening your meditation practice, check out the FitMind meditation app.

Dr. Ash Sangoram Bio

Dr. Ash Sangoram trained under two National Academy of Science neuroscientists and implemented this understanding of the brain into his golf practice to drop his handicap by 15 points while rehabilitating from a spinal cord injury. Ash is also an experienced insight meditation practitioner, and he is currently working on bringing neuroscience and meditation principles into the Stanford golf program.

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