Jayne Gackenbach, PhD - Virtual Realities & the Mind
FitMind Podcast #21 with Jayne Gackenbach, PhD on lucid dreaming, video games, and virtual realities of the mind.
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Episode Overview
Jayne Gackenbach, PhD is a dream researcher whose focus is lucid dreaming and other altered states of consciousness.
She holds a PhD in Experimental Psychology and her most recent research focuses on video game players and the development of consciousness.
In this episode of the FitMind Podcast we discuss virtual worlds, like video games, dreams and VR, and the different effects they have on the mind.
Hope you enjoy!
P.S. — If you’re serious about starting or deepening your meditation practice, check out the FitMind meditation app.
Jayne Gackenbach, PhD Bio
Dr. Gackenbach is author of the book Control Your Dreams and has 70+ professional publications and 17 book chapters primarily on dreams and higher states of consciousness. She was invited to present her work on lucid dreaming to the Dalai Lama at a conference on sleeping, dreaming, and dying for the Mind and Life Institute.